Notes on a Scandal
A tale of sex, lies, and scandal in Pakistan. A limited-episode podcast that reexamines and investigates a fascinating crime in an unusual city. The podcast serves as an accompaniment to Society Girl, a non-fiction book by Tooba Masood and Saba Imtiaz.
Notes on a Scandal
S02E03: Drama at Drigh Road
We take a look at the frenzied hours after the arrest of Shahnaz Gul, and how the police in Karachi, Pakistan handled the initial investigation. Later in the episode, we talk to the academic Dr Zoha Waseem, the author of Insecure Guardians: Enforcement, Encounters and Everyday Policing in Postcolonial Karachi, about perceptions of the Karachi police, how they handle cases involving the elite, and the social dynamics at play in a complex investigation like the Mustafa Zaidi case.
About Dr Waseem:
Dr Zoha Waseem is an Assistant Professor in Criminology at the University of Warwick, UK. She is also co-coordinator for the Urban Violence Research Network. Her book Insecure Guardians critically explores how security policies, and the interests of insecure states and elites, influence the culture of policing in postcolonial contexts.
Photo: 'The Many Faces of Shahnaz -- in court yesterday' published in Star newspaper, January 1, 1971. Courtesy: Dawn archives
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Instagram: @murdermystery70
Tooba Masood-Khan
Twitter: @tabahitooba
Instagram: @tabahitooba
Saba Imtiaz
Twitter: @sabaimtiaz
Instagram: @sabaimtiaz